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Developmental Stages

There are many developmental stages for the individual, and for the human species as a whole, for the development of the individual times 7 plus Billion is the development of the species. Yes, there is a distribution curve of different stages among us. 

There are many developmental stages for the individual, and for the human species as a whole, for the development of the individual times 7 plus Billion is the development of the species. Yes, there is a distribution curve of different stages among us. With some apparently excelling and others lagging behind. But there is none among us that can evaluate the reasons for either - for the obstacles some have had to overcome compared to the advantages of others is not near equivalent. Add to this things like structural inequality and more and all we can really say is someone is where they are at.

Different Ages and Stages of Development on Multiple Levels

Shifts in human consciousness are just one level that we see ourselves go through developmental stages. Humanity has progressed from various ages. (continued below)

Sometimes these stages have been more localized to Western Civilization or Eastern Civilization or some portion thereof. For example, we have stepped through the Age of Enlightenment, the Industrial Age, and into the Information Age, The Genomic Age, and are stepping into an Age of Extra-terrestrial Travel.

All this said, there are some general principles we can apply to biological systems, and our species in particular. These principles help us to answer the long asked question, “what can we do to optimize the development of the species or the individual?” Our collective history, has left a witness to some of the things that don’t work, and some that do. Coupled with this has been the examples left by those ribbon breakers among us, that found a way through for themselves.

This section is about describing what these elements are, what we have done to put these in place and what that means to organizations of different size. From the governmental level down to the level of the individual.

(More to come on this later)

Movie, Series and Video Tutorials

The WE ARE ONE Movie and Genre Specific Series  provide a foundation for a new Earth.  RDIT offers a full comprehensive database of tutorials as well as the tutorials themselves. In most instances tutorials can be found on most sites, in all the platforms and embedded in dynamic ePublications, eBooks, and eMagazines. Many of the tutorials are offered for free.


The Virtual Global Nation

Planetary Management Systems, Inc.
Rational Data International, Inc.
Phone: (844) 897-8704 (USA)