

Credits and Acknowledgements

Over the years this work has been funded through parallel projects, application development, friends and family investment, and non-equity based partnerships.

It has run the gamut from having several hundred dedicated and passionate people involved to the author working by himself, living on a meager income while camping out. At times this was as a result of a spiritual practice and times it was a matter of practicality. It was developed in conjunction with prayer, mindfulness, and careful and sometimes pain-staking reflection and consideration.

Much appreciation and gratitude goes to to the many individuals, friends, and family who participated in making this project a reality, especially those who provided unending encouragement and support.

Among these many people there have been a number of people - each in their own way that have gone "above and beyond" in the course of making this journey, the Universal Solution Model (USM) and the BlueBook Series that describes it along with the technology that was developed were all parts of bringing this project to reality. For some this has been at the cost of great personal sacrifice - there are not really words that can convey an appropriate level of acknowledgement and appreciation for these individuals and their service for the greater good, our planet and its people.