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The USM defines the classes and categories for all other RDI solution models and management systems including the Planetary Solution Model (PSM), Segment Specific Solution Models (SSSM), and Expansion and Contraction models.

The Universal Solution Model (USM)

Introduction to the USM

The Universal Solution Model (USM), is named such because it takes a universal perspective the "State of Being of the human species, and the "State of our World"; it also offers universal class designations, taxonomies and frameworks for all the solution models that sit underneath it.

While, the USM is inclusive of a multiverse option as a theoretical eventuality it currently spends little time on this theoretical domain. To date, the USM is the broadest class solution model we have built. The definitions, classes, frameworks, dimensions, taxonomies, and more translate through all the other solution models.

The Solution Models Provide a Working Framework

Solution models provide an outer working framework that we call an infrastructure, macrostructure, shell or umbrella by which various classes of non-systems and systems such as, self-organizing systems, check and balance systems, life systems, physical systems, human systems, economic systems and others and how they exist, interact and change. These systems are broken into classes and sub-classes and make up the basis, for example, of relatively large-scale management systems, like the Planetary Management System. An applied example, is in government this framework concept might be framed out by a rights document and a constitution.

This shell is in essence, a “terrarium” of sorts within which an eco-system or several ecosystems exist and interact or within which human activity and the activity of other systems and species takes place. This framework helps us solve currently existing systemic issues, which then provide a foundation to deal with exacerbatory issues.

The Structure of the USM

Introduction to the USM

The introduction to the USM gives a broad case conceptual overview of Solution Models, Understnading Models and Management Systems and their relationship and translation in one specific set of classes to organizations, ecosystems and products and services.

Section One of the USM

Section one of the USM gives a general case discussion of Solution Models, Understanding Models, Management Systems, and then extends this to a class specific example from these top level pieces to Science and Technology, Organizations, Ecosystems and Products and Services. The approach here is to talk about the nature of these three components from as general case as possible and then give specific examples of them in section two. The idea here is to give you the reader a conceptual overview of how these components inter-relate with one another and the general case nature of these inter-relationships.

Section Two of the USM

In Section two we review section one, inter-relationships with some added perspective, but move into defining and outlining the specific frameworks, classes, dimensions, taxonomies and so forth that are associated with each solution model, understanding model and management system.

Section Three of the USM

Section three outlines specific integration of the solution model classes into the platform, and its relationship to platform components, network functionality, the new layer in cyberspace and organizational and technological application in the form of products and services.

Section Four of the USM

Section Four outlines the specific products, services, supply chains, databases and so on that support the items outlined in section three.

The Sections of the USM and the BlueBook Series

The four sections of the USM are supported by the theoretical sections of the BlueBook Series a 76 volume set of books that describes the USM and the various solution models within it, in much more detail, with full drill down to supplements and nearly 350 volumes of drill down material along with supporting databases.

The Basis for Solution Models

This overall architecture was drawn from three primary areas, science, nature and religious and spiritual traditions and built on common principles that emerged from these fields. We call the combination of these fields and others, Neoscience. You will learn more about Neoscience as you read through this document as well as drill down on this in the Book of Neoscience. Neoscience and the Universal Understanding Model are essentially the same thing, the difference being Neoscience gives more granularity as to how the understanding was developed.

The 2018-2024 Universal Solution Model

In relationship to the 2014 USM, this version includes a much broader set of classes that are inclusive of a broad scale cosmological perspective. This includes Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM) which transcends spatial-temporal sub-domains and the inter-stellar, inter-planetary and planetary solution models in terms of the spatial dimension and it includes cosmological timescales through to highly localized timescales on the order of a nano-second. These broad ranging classes exist outside of the domain of spacetime and then provide classes in a new context that define sub-domains within spacetime and the perceptual field.

Context for the Human Species

Both inside and outside of the spatial temporal domains we find a broader context for the human journey. Within the spatial-temporal sub-domain we find broad ranging timescales that in part frame out the human story and along with it various iterative points that take us through the journey the human species has made over time. This universal perspective gives us better contextual awareness as opposed to more localized time frames as to where we are and where we are headed as a species.

A Broader Scope

Each of these conceptual perspectives translate directly into understandings about the nature of reality, consciousness, existence, dimensional equivalencies, states of existence, states of being and ways of being. Taking this set of broad scope universals into consideration makes this version of the USM much broader in class types than the previous 2014 USM.

For the first time a volume is included in the BlueBook Series, on Cosmology and Ontology to give as broad a scope as possible to the USM.

Solution Model Classes

The Universal Solution Model (USM)

The Universal Solution Model (USM) takes a universal perspective of the interplanetary ecosystem we as a human species are now exploring. This universal perspective allows us to see and understand own planet and the development of the human species as a whole, as well as other species that co-inhabit the earth. It provides frameworks that look into the foreseeable future, and provides infrastructure and tools to support the human race’s existence within Earth’s ecosystem, as well as exploration and development beyond our planet. It helps define two newly emergent classes of citizen: planetary citizens, who live on the planet earth; and the citizen of humanity, who share a common genome but may live on or off the planet in the future, but as members of the human species, share common standing in issues that pertain to humanity as a whole.

Solution Model Classes and Application
The solution model classes follow the following taxonomy we will outline each taxonomy with the USM and IDSM on top of each class structure to denote the overarching nature of these two solution models.
The Classes We Will Overview
1. The Universal Solution Model
2. The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model
3. The Geographic Class
4. The Size and Scale Classes
5. The Concept and Dimension Classes

6. The Species Classes

Geographical Class Solution Models 

1. The Universal Solution Model (USM)
2. The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)
3. The Inter-Stellar Solution Model (ISSM)
4. The Inter-Planetary Solution Model (IPSM)
5. The Planetary Solution Model (PSM)
6. The Nation-State Solution Model (NSSM)
7. Local Scale Solution Models (LSSM) (i.e., smart cities, states, highest service, value proposition, etc.)

Size & Scale Class Solution Models

1. The Universal Solution Model (USM)
2. The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)
3. Very Large Scale Solution Models (VLSSM)
4. N-Scale Solution Models (NSSM’s)

Concept & Dimension Class of Solution Models

1. The Universal Solution Model (USM)
2. The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)
3. Central Core Solution Models (CCSM)
4. Quadrant Specific Solution Models (QSSM)
5. Segment Specific Solution Models (SSSM’s)
6. Canvas Specific Solution Models (CSSM’s)

Expansion and Contraction Class of Solution Models

1. Expansion Solution Models (ESM)
2. Contraction Solution Models (CSM)

The Species Class of Solution Models

1. The Universal Solution Model (USM) 

2. The Inter-Dimensional Solution Model (IDSM)
3. The Subject-Observer Class Solution Model
4. Species Class Solution Model


The USM defines the classes and categories for all other RDI solution models and management systems including the Planetary Solution Model (PSM), Segment Specific Solution Models (SSSM), and Expansion and Contraction Models.

The USM defines Existential Rights (rights of existence) and Rights Classes for the individual, the human species, and other species across the spectrum of sentient and non-sentient life. This provides the foundation for a planetary management system to be put in place.


A 76 volume set describing the Universal Solution Model (USM)



Joining the Virtual Global Nation carries with it many benefits these include becoming part of a new planetary economy, homestead property for free, gain health benefits, participate in a new form of government, vote as a citizen, and so much more.